JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Deriving a Choreography from Endpoint Models

Supported in version 2.1

Although Choreographies can be created manually, as described above, or generated from a set of scenarios, as explained in the previous section, there may be occasions when we have a set of endpoint models (e.g. BPEL process descriptions), and simply want to reverse engineer the choreography that shows how all of these services interact at a global level.

This is now possible in the tooling, although initially just for BPEL process definitions. Simply select the relevant BPEL process definitions and invoke the "Savara->BPMN2->Create Choreography" action. This will cause a dialog to be displayed to obtain the name of the model to be created. Once this has been entered, and the Ok button pressed, then a BPMN2 choreography will be generated in the folder associated with the first endpoint model that was selected.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:36:13 UTC, last content change 2012-11-08 11:12:59 UTC.